Page 9 - The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
P. 9
Content marketing is important, not just be- Software companies have become tech
cause it works for building trust, generating teachers with how-to videos and e-books.
leads, and cultivating customer loyalty, but Even the financial industry has come up with
because it has become the new normal apps, online knowledge centers, and other
from the consumer side. It is, in itself, helping tools to help both individuals and business
to evolve what customers expect from the customers better meet their financial goals
brands they interact with. and to do it with a level of transparency and
convenience that was unheard of 15 years
Neglecting it is way more risky than investing ago.
in it.
Great content, especially the dynamic, well
What travel, food, or fashion brand can ex- thought out strategies, are showing consum-
ist today without a vibrant Instagram page, ers they deserve more.
videos, and a few influencer campaigns?