Page 14 - The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
P. 14

Your Competitors Are Already Using It

          And the final reason content marketing is             If your competitors are already sitting on

          ridiculously important for marketers today –          huge online blog libraries, vibrant social
          chances are, your competitors are already             media profiles, and are known for their

          using it.                                             knockout video tutorials and annual mar-
                                                                keting events, you’ve got some catching

          If your target audience is already enjoying           up to do.
          personalized email messaging and already

          know they can go to your competitor’s site            Content marketing is essential to everyone
          to look up the information they need when             from global organizations with dozens (or

          they have a question – you’re in trouble.             hundreds) of content marketers, producers,
                                                                and analysts on their team, to small com-

          Here’s the thing. One of the reasons con-             panies focusing on their local business. It’s
          tent marketing is so powerful is that it can          not just important. It’s critical.

          be used to establish your brand as a trusted
          authority in your industry. Which means, it           Where should you start?

          takes time to get your content marketing
          strategy to make an impact because it                 Here’s a look at the types of content expe-

          takes time to establish a trusted presence.           rienced marketers are planning to focus on
                                                                in 2018:

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