Page 18 - The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
P. 18

will work? How can you quickly update           solid strategy rather than a pile of stats and

                upper management on the worth of                examples that aren’t really connected.
                your content with ROI analytics on an           Think through how all the information you

                ongoing basis to keep them motivated?           present builds your case and works togeth-
             • When are they going to be the most               er to make your point.

                open to paying attention?
                                                                Here’s what you may want to include in your

          The secret to gaining buy-in for content              strategy.
          marketing is to demonstrate its worth with a

         Show The Potential Of Content With Examples

          Don’t expect every member of your organi-             1. Demonstrate the different types of

          zation’s leadership team to fully understand      content.

          just how intense and dynamic content mar-             When C-suite sees the full range,  from
          keting can be, or even how it works.                  thought-provoking blog posts that establish

                                                                your brand as an industry thought leader to
          There are still people who assume content  experiential campaigns that  can change

          marketing starts and ends with blog articles  the perception of the brand in the minds’ of
          and social media, which makes it difficult to  consumers, they’re more likely to be interest-
          be inspired by your  content  marketing  ef-          ed in offering support.

          forts or to be motivated enough to up your

          budget or encourage employee engage-                  You can use industry examples of some of
          ment company-wide.                                    the best interactive videos, brand commu-

                                                                nities, user-generated social media cam-
          So, take them on the content journey:                 paigns, white papers, live events, and oth-

                                                                er types of content you already use or plan
                                                                on using. To be more illustrative, have plans

                                                                ready to  show  what  you  already do  with
                                                                various types of content as well.

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