Page 17 - The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
P. 17
It’s not just about securing the budget and • The engagement of the company’s
resources you need. Just as important are internal experts – bringing employees
factors like: into your content marketing strategy is
a rising trend in content you don’t want
• Internal cooperation across to get left behind on
• Room to experiment and make So, how can you get the internal buy-in for
mistakes without fear of your content content marketing?
marketing budget getting slashed
Start With A Strategy
To convince your customers they will benefit you would when you create your buyer per-
from your product or service, what’s always sona.
your first step?
• What are the pain points, hesitations,
You have to educate your buyers about the and goals of your organization’s
value of what you are selling with a smart executive team?
content strategy. Take this same approach • What information – relevant statistics,
when selling content marketing to your or- industry examples, in-house content
ganization’s decision and budget makers. analytics – do they need to see to
Educate them on the importance of con- understand the value of your content
tent marketing – with content. marketing?
• What channels will resonate the most,
So, get in the shoes of your audience just like for example, what presentation format