Page 5 - The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
P. 5
The Business Advantage of
Good Content Marketing
So, what exactly does a business have to viewed as thought leaders in their
gain from throwing their weight behind con- industry, which helps to build brand trust
tent marketing? and authority.
• Higher conversion rates. Organizations
• Increase in website traffic. Content who use content marketing see 6 times
Marketing leaders see 7.8 times higher higher conversion rates.
year-over-year growth in unique site • Leaner budget. According to Demand
traffic. Metric, it costs 62 percent less to launch
• More leads. Content marketing garners and maintain a content marketing
3 times as many leads as paid search campaign than any other type of
for every dollar spent. campaign.
• Thought leadership. Brands who • More attention on your brand. 20
offer relevant, useful content are percent of the time users are on the
internet, they’re consuming content.