Page 7 - The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing
P. 7
What Content Marketing Isn’t
It’s important when using content marketing Content goes far beyond blog posts. It also
to understand what content marketing is, goes far beyond the digital world. Content is
versus what it isn’t. information, but it can be delivered through
myriad channels (video, graphics, live
What it is. events, apps, social media posts, emails).
It’s an opportunity for growth through of- What differentiates this information as con-
fering quality content that offers value to tent is that it is designed for a specific audi-
target buyers. It requires a clearly defined ence, for a specific purpose.
audience and an ongoing analysis of how
effective content is at reaching this audi- It’s not meaningless.
ence. Think about it. What problem does your
Facebook ad solve? How has your compa-
It isn’t is more ‘stuff.’ ny’s last AdWords campaign made a posi-
Where a lot of brands go wrong with con- tive difference for your customers? Content
tent is they fail to get the strategy part, un- is supposed to solve a problem. It’s this gen-
leashing content campaigns without the di- uine intent to help your customers that of-
rection of where it should take the business fers the authenticity that consumers are so
to and an understanding for who the con- attracted to. Take this one step further, from
tent is for. providing value to your buyer to providing
value to society, and you’ve landed on the
Without strategy, you may end up with a future of content marketing – purpose driv-
promotional video, for example, that looks en brands.
a lot more like a promo ad for your business
than content. A promo video, as high-qual- It’s not rented space.
ity as the video production may be, isn’t a Where content stands out is that a brand
piece of useful video content designed to owns the distribution channels – the website,
resonate with a target group at a specif- the in-person events, the social media pro-
ic stage of the buyer’s journey, and that is files, the e-book series. Advertising, on the
connected to the other content within your other hand, is rented space – you have to
strategy. constantly purchase a media channel in or-
der to market.
Content marketing isn’t just a business blog.