Page 6 - How to Win at Digital Customer Engagement
P. 6

“Competitive                                                A dashboard, for example, may tell you that your revenue is down by 30% year over year.

                                                                                       But just knowing about declining revenue isn’t very valuable.
                            advantage comes
                                                                                       AI-driven tools like Outlier provide the why behind the shifts—in an easy-to-understand
                            from asking the                                            format—to help you turn data into opportunity.

                            questions no one                                           For digital marketers, it can make all the difference between proactively staying on top of

                            else knew to ask.”                                         trends and changes in consumer behavior versus trying to react after the opportunity has
                                                                                       already passed. For data scientists and analysts, using Outlier can save thousands of hours
                                                                                       spent annually on building dashboards, performing analysis, and manipulating data. It also
                                                                                       can act as a launchpad to better insights by giving everyone key questions they can take
                                     —Sean Byrnes,                                     back to their dashboards and other visualization tools.
                                      CEO of Outlier

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