Page 177 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 177
» Exploring the benefits of SMM on
» Creating custom content for your
» Harnessing the value of comments
on videos
» Discovering advertising on YouTube
Chapter 10
Creating a YouTube
ouTube ( is another social platform that has had
explosive growth in the last decade. Launched in 2005, it’s now the number
Yone website for online videos. Whenever marketers think of video-based
marketing, they think in terms of YouTube first. You can’t afford to overlook it as
a marketing vehicle. In fact, today some marketers liken it to a TV network both
in terms of its importance to consumers and its potential reach. (Not surprisingly,
YouTube itself has noticed this and launched “premium channels” that function
just like TV channels.) But what is probably even more interesting is that with
2 billion monthly visitors to YouTube from around the world and 300 hours of
video being uploaded to YouTube every minute, if YouTube were a cable network,
it would be the largest one.
What some marketers seem to forget is that developing an SMM strategy for
YouTube is no less important than it is on Facebook or Twitter. You have to look
at it strategically, in terms of both the community on YouTube and its potential
reach. Although YouTube started out as a fun site, its marketing value has risen
dramatically. In this chapter, we look at how YouTube fits into your SMM plan.
CHAPTER 10 Creating a YouTube Strategy 161