Page 173 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 173

Using Promoted Trends

                             Twitter is an exciting social media platform for many reasons, but our favorite
                             Twitter feature is how trending topics work. Every minute of every day, Twitter
                             analyzes  all  the millions  of conversations  on its  platform to determine  what’s
                             trending in a particular moment.

                             The trending topics get featured next to the user’s feed on the left side. They can
                             be filtered by geography as well, so, for example, you can choose to see only the
                             trending topics in the United States or even trending topics that are pertinent to
                             certain  cities.  What’s  trending  on Twitter  serves  as a barometer of how much
                             something may be topical in the physical world in any given moment. Trending
                             topics are definitely not to be missed.

                             Promoted Trends complement  the organic trends  and  help  brands build mass
                             awareness, announce product launches, highlight events, and build the brand by
                             association with other cultural events. They work in a similar fashion to trending
                             topics except that Promoted Trends are defined by the advertiser. A user sees the
                             Promoted Trend on the left side of the screen with the other trending topics but
                             with the word Promoted below it. Note, that the Twitter design is always changing
                             and what may have been on the left side at the time of publishing may now be on
                             the right side!

                             As with Promoted Tweets, users can click Promoted Trends to view all the tweets
                             containing  the hashtag or trend  terms  associated with  that Promoted  Trend.
                             Clicking the Promoted Trend takes a user to a search results page that has a Pro-
                             moted Tweet from the advertiser at the top of it. Other tweets on the search results
                             page will be unfiltered and open.

                             Promoted Trends, shown in Figure 9-4, are typically most valuable to buy on days
                             when major pop culture events are happening and then best when aligned in some
                             meaningful form around those pop culture events. For example, when the VMAs
                             (Video Music Awards) air on TV, you might want to buy a Promoted Trend about
                             music or, more specifically, about an award-winning artist from the VMAs because
                             a lot of people will be on Twitter talking about the VMAs.

                             Promoted Trends are extremely popular with marketers, and it is worth buying
                             the Promoted Trend in advance of the actual day that you want it to run. Because
                             only one Promoted Trend can run on Twitter on a given day, marketers buy those
                             terms well in advance of the actual day that they want the ad to run.

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