Page 163 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 163

                                                          »  Discovering Twitter basics

                                                          »  Understanding organic engagement

                                                          »  Using paid advertising
                                                          »  Discovering new tips and tricks

              Chapter 9

              Marketing on Twitter

                                 ew social platforms have had more explosive growth in the last decade than
                                 Twitter, the microblogging service. Twitter ( is similar to
                            Fa blogging service, except that you’re limited to 280 characters per message,
                             or  tweet. Also, only people  who  follow you on Twitter  see your tweets  in  their
                             Twitter stream. You reply to other people’s tweets, forward their tweets, or send
                             them direct messages. All your followers see anything that you tweet.

                             Today, Twitter has approximately 330 million monthly active users around the
                             world, of whom 139 million are daily active users. Over 500 million tweets are sent
                             each day. Unlike on Facebook, the largest social media platform, Twitter users are
                             typically older. Although the total number of Twitter users is less than Facebook
                             users, it’s still quite large and has such an influential user base that marketing on
                             Twitter requires a specific discussion.

                             You can market on Twitter using paid and unpaid methods. You can buy specific
                             Twitter  ad products  that allow  you to draw attention  to your Twitter  account,
                             attach yourself to specific trends, and align with certain keyword searches. Third-
                             party services let you also buy attention by associating with celebrities.

                             But in a similar fashion to Facebook, marketing on Twitter must start with the
                             basic unpaid tactics. And as you do that, remember that Twitter is most powerful
                             for  building  and nurturing  relationships  between  people, even more so than
                               Facebook. It’s because you’re limited to 280 characters (and in case you’re a little
                             confused, it was 140 characters until Twitter doubled the limit at the end of 2017.)

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