Page 164 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 164

When marketing through Twitter, focus tightly on building the relationships, and
                           everything else will follow. Don’t worry too much about pushing messages to the
                           community. But when you have to, there are smart ways to do that via the Twitter
                           ad products that don’t hurt your reputation in the community.

                           If you do not take ownership of your company or brand name on Twitter, someone
                           else may do so on your behalf. This could be a competitor, another business with
                           a  similar name, a  customer,  or a  fan.  If that happens, you’ll probably  have  to
                           spend a  lot of time (and  maybe  money, too)  to get back the username. Most
                             Twitter  users  automatically  associate your brand name on Twitter  with  your
                             company. Many may not realize that the person behind the Twitter account is not
                           from your company.

            Figuring Out the Basics of Twitter

                           Twitter  is fundamentally an asynchronous  communication  platform that drew
                           inspiration from SMS (short message service, or texting) and Facebook when it
                           was first designed. It allows you to publish 280-character tweets and view tweets
                           from other Twitter users. To view other people’s tweets in your feed, you simply
                           have to follow them. In a direct contrast to Facebook friending, when you follow
                           people on Twitter, they’re not automatically made to reciprocate in return.

                           A second important contrast to Facebook is that on Twitter, your account is auto-
                           matically set to public viewing by default. This means that anybody can view a
                           tweet that you publish. This differs from Facebook, where posts by most people
                           are private and viewable only by their friends. On Twitter, you can choose to make
                           your account private, but most people don’t. As a result, tweets by the millions of
                           Twitter users around the world serve as a treasure trove for academics and mar-
                           keters who want to learn how people talk online and what they talk about.

                           Following are some of the activities you can engage in on Twitter:

                                 » Mentions: As a user on Twitter, you can publish tweets as soon as you’ve
                                signed up. Just enter your tweet in the message box with the question “What’s
                                happening?” and you’re on your way. To draw attention to another user, you
                                can mention her account in your tweet by preceding her account name with
                                the @ symbol. For example, to use the Pepsi Twitter account in a tweet,
                                you would need to type @pepsi. Then when a user clicks the Pepsi handle
                                (@pepsi), she will automatically be taken to the Pepsi Twitter page.

                                 » Retweets: Another Twitter feature is the ability to resend (or retweet)
                                someone else’s tweet. Think of this as a Forward button. You can retweet by

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