Page 6 - Getting Started With Digital Asset Management
P. 6

STEP 3                                                                                       the DAM solution with other storage platforms
            Identify Areas in Need                                                                       to import content as it becomes available, or you
            of Improvement                                                                               might instead decide to carefully curate what gets
                                                                                                         uploaded to screen out redundant or low quality
            A DAM platform can help teams organize their                                                 assets. As content is made available through
            digital assets much more effectively. Many           Be aspirational!                        shared folders or portals, permissions need to be
            organizations rely on cloud-based storage tools like   Implementing a DAM solution           put in place to control who can alter assets within
            Google Drive or Dropbox to manage their content,     is an opportunity to solve              the system or change the way they’re organized.
            but the way these platforms handle accounts and      longstanding challenges and
            permissions can be problematic for collaborative     make it easier for teams to             Your DAM system should enhance
            work. Since so many people have access (and          engage in creative work and             communication and streamline the content
            the ability to grant it), it’s hard to create a single   productive collaboration.           creation process, so you need to make sure the
            source of truth for branded assets. Cloud-based                                              newly designed system is accessible and intuitive
            solutions often don’t allow for true version control,                                        for all users. Having reliable, coherent guidelines
            which makes avoiding redundancies and finding                                                laid out from the beginning makes it much easier
            the most up-to-date assets even more difficult.   STEP 4                                     for users to get up to speed on the platform
            Even when teams take the time to establish some   Optimize Your Implementation               and help you share content more effectively.
            kind of structure and process for these systems,
            the clunky user experience often ends up creating   Once you’ve chosen a DAM platform, work
            confusion, frustration, and inefficient bottlenecks.  with them to lay out a comprehensive structure
                                                          for your deployment. There are plenty of
            Conduct a thorough audit of digital tools     important questions you’ll want to answer as
            currently in place to identify which processes   you’re moving toward implementation, most   Just because you’re implementing your DAM
            could be improved by DAM software. Moving     of them involving where assets are stored,     system one way today doesn’t mean you can’t
            creative assets to a more suitable platform not   how workflows are structured, and how      expand its scope in the future. Think about
            only helps teams to collaborate more effectively   projects are managed within the system.   the long-term potential of your integration
            and be more productive, but also improves                                                    from the beginning so you can be in position
            operations elsewhere. If you’re no longer relying   The two big decisions that should be made up   to take advantage of future opportunities.
            on other tools to manage digital content, those   front are how digital assets are added to the
            resources can be put to better use by other   system and what permissions will be established
            departments or scaled down as needed.         for using the system. You may want to integrate

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