Page 4 - Getting Started With Digital Asset Management
P. 4

6 Steps for Implementing Digital

            Asset Management Software

            Implementing DAM software may sound like a huge undertaking, but we’ve
            found that the process goes much smoother when organizations take a few
            simple actions along the way. Here are 6 steps to keep in mind as you begin

            your journey toward DAM adoption.

            STEP 1
            Remember That People Are More Important Than Software

            When rolling out a new technology platform,   steps to secure the support and buy-                 Don’t just focus on the concerns
            it’s easy to forget that the software itself   in from the people who will be using the            of one group or department.
            is simply a means to an end. The primary      system on a regular basis. Talk through              Managers may play an important
            goal of any tool should always be to help     their concerns and provide them with                 role since they often decide
            people do their jobs more effectively. If     detailed information about how the new               how funds are allocated for
            team members don’t feel like the new          approach to content management will save             new software purchases, but
            software is making their lives easier, they   them time and reduce frustrations so they            remember that every individual
            will be less likely to use it as intended.    can be more creative in the long run.                contributes to the long-term

                                                                                                               success of a project.
            The first step to any successful DAM
            implementation, then, should be taking

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