Page 6 - Complete Guide to Marketing Budgets
P. 6
4. It can keep you
competitive 63% 63% of businesses have
increased their marketing
As you plan your marketing budget, it’s also budget in the past year.
helpful to understand how other businesses
like yours are thinking about their marketing
strategies and budgets. The amount U.S. businesses
spend on valuable marketing
$30B data tools has consistently
Consider these statistics: increased over the last five
years, to about $30.61 billion
just this past year.
These data points prove that you need to
spend money to make money if you want Between 2021 and 2022,
to stand out from the competition. Using 16% there was a 16% growth rate
a marketing budget to scale your growing in digital marketing budget
business may feel daunting, but clearly, the spending across businesses.
payoff is present in these stats.
72% of marketing budgets get
72% put towards digital marketing
Over half of both U.S. and
+50% global advertising spend goes
towards digital media.
Your Complete Marketing Budget Breakdown 6