Page 17 - The Ultilmate Guide to Retail in 2023
P. 17

Market trends and seasonality:

                                                A great retail strategy means optimizing business                                                                 “eCommerce brands have to

                                                the whole year round. eCommerce has become fluid,                                                                 go into the holiday season

                                                so brands should aim to meet customer needs at all                                                                with a retention strategy built

                                                times. It is important retailers are flexible across all

                                                channels. Your strategy to incorporate trends and                                                                 in. Without it, they risk losing

                                                seasonality, such as the holiday season and Black                                                                 all that newly acquired traffic,

                                                Friday, doesn’t necessarily need to cater separately for                                                          ultimately losing out on the

                                                particular events or times of the year. Instead, retail                                                           lifetime value that drives

                                                strategies should be able to cover the whole year - no

                                                matter the holidays.                                                                                              revenue beyond the holiday.”

                                                With automation, you can be ready for everything at

                                                any time, and you can ride the demand peaks brought

                                                about by particular trends effortlessly - even making                                                             Joshua Aven / CEO & Founder of Curio

                                                sure your profit margin goals are met. With some light

                                                additional planning, preparation, ad creativity, and a

                                                careful setup when implementing your strategy, you

                                                can prepare your business for everything that you can

                                                already see coming in the year ahead.

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