Page 4 - Social Commerce on Tik Tok
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                                                                                                   TikTok Shopping Ecosystem

                        TikTok doesn’t need any kind of introduction any-
                        more. It’s simply everywhere. And it’s rapidly                 Products Links                                  Promote
                        chewing up every marketing superlative in the                for in-feed videos                                Videos with product link
                        books. There is no hotter social media platform at
                        the moment and the stats on its user demographic
                        – overwhelmingly Millenials and Gen Z – mean that
                        the platform’s future is very bright indeed. Thanks
                        to TikTok, Gen Alpha will be video natives.                                  Organic                         Ad
                                                                                                     Formats                      Formats
                        One of the main factors fueling the platform’s
                        success is the authentic content experiences that                                   TikTok Shopping
                        users just can’t get enough of. Whether the videos
                        are created by influencers or by friends, neighbors,
                        or other community members, the good content is
                        always fresh, engaging, and relatable.
                        Companies looking to leverage social commerce                        Product                Catalog                Product
                                                                                                                                           Detail Page
                        opportunities on TikTok should therefore prioritize            Showcase Tab                                        prompting users
                        authenticity by striking the right balance between               on the TikTok                                     to checkout
                        organic and paid advertising on the platform. And,
                        remember, a TikTok-ready product catalog is the
                        necessary foundation for any successful campaign.

                                                                                        Read this guide to learn more about the TikTok shopping
                                                                                        ecosystem and get exclusive insights into the best tips and
                                                                                        hacks to get the most from your TikTok commerce strategy.

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