Page 21 - Google Business Profile 101
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Google Business Profile Dashboard                                                                                         21

               To create a post, tap “Post +” on the home screen of                                            Pro Tip: Today the majority

               your GBP and select the type of post you’re interested
               in creating. While you have up to 1,500 characters to                                           a mobile device, making your
               tell your story, Google suggests sticking to a 150-300                                          Google Business Profile listing

               character range. Images must have a minimum resolution                                          more important than ever. By
               of 400px wide by 300px tall, while the maximum upload                                           downloading the Google Business
               size for a video is 100 MB. Pair your post update with a                                        Profile app, you can turn on
               call-to-action button like “Buy,” “Learn more,” “Book Now,”                                     messaging from your listing. This
               or “Visit.” Posts will remain readily accessible in your                                        gives customers the option of

               Knowledge Panel for 7 days.                                                                     messaging your business directly
                                                                                                               from search results on Google.

                                                                                                               Try Podium: Create a free Podium
                                                                                                               account and connect Facebook,
                                                                                                               Google, Webchat and more
                                                                                                               to a single inbox for seamless

                                                                                                               customer communication.
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