Page 24 - Google Business Profile 101
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Google Business Profile Dashboard                                                                                         24

                                                                                               What search terms do people use? This

                    listing: Your dashboard shows a chart
                    illustrating precisely how browsers came across
                    your business. There are a few key analytics                               are most popular amongst those who
                    listed here:                                                               visited your listing.

                         Direct searches: Customers who searched                               What did people do once they visited your
                                                                                               listing? This is perhaps one of the most

                         address.                                                              useful reports available in your Analytics
                                                                                                cache. It summarizes what customers
                         Discovery searches: Customers who found                                did after they found your listing, whether
                         you by searching for a related business                                they visited your website, tapped “Call”

                         category, product, or service that you oer.                           from a mobile device, or requested
                                                                                                driving or public transportation directions.
                         Branded searches: Customers who                                        Getting found on Google is one thing, but

                         stumbled across your business by searching
                         your brand or a brand related to your                                 what really drives your business.
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