Page 45 - The Dark Side of Back Link Building
P. 45


              And it’s a shame because email outreach can be both effective and ethical!

              Google’s John Mueller specifically said that outreach is an appropriate link-building
              tactic when it doesn’t contain any kind of trade, deal, or dependency agreement. You

              can ask for links, but they must be given freely.

              Outreach is one of the primary tools of link builders, white and black hats alike.

              It’s also a really fast way to damage your reputation and get your email on a bunch of

              block lists if you don’t approach it well.

              SEO is full of situations that can be likened to “the tragedy of the commons,” where
              the “commons” resource is goodwill. Perfectly reasonable strategies get abused and
              twisted until either Google has to crack down, the community at large rejects them,

              or both.

              Cold outreach suffers acutely from this phenomenon. Shady link builders in people’s

              inboxes have abused their attention and goodwill. Your reader is probably sick of you
              before they even open your email (if they even see it).

              A lot of the hate
              that SEOs get in

              email inboxes is
              unjustified, but
              – hold on, let me

              check my email real

                                                      Image source: Screenshot from personal email, August 2022
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