Page 119 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 119

social  media  marketing,  the  question  of  how  the  SMM  voice  conflicts  with  its
                             brand voice doesn’t really arise. The brand and SMM voices are perfectly aligned.
                             That may not be the case for you, so as you wade into the social web, think care-
                             fully about your SMM voice and whether  you’re  even comfortable having one
                             before participating. It’s also worth pointing out that there are inherent risks in
                             having a person who isn’t a trained marketing or communications professional as
                             your SMM voice. Where possible, if you’re going down that route, be sure to get
                             the person basic media training first.

                             Richard Branson, chairman of the Virgin Group, has his own presence on Twitter
                             (with more than 13 million followers) and represents himself and his company
                             ( The airline Virgin America (which is part of
                             the Virgin Group) also has its own Twitter presence ( virginamerica)
                             that is used to interact with passengers, share special offers, and announce travel
                             advisories.  With  800,000  followers,  arguably  the  Twitter  activity  makes  a

                             In the case of Marriot Hotels, its company blog “Marriot on the Move” (https://
                    is written from the firsthand perspective of its CEO,
                             Bill Marriot. His posts are a mix of business success tips, information, celebra-
                             tions of how Marriot is doing, and stories from his personal life. What’s most
                             powerful about the blog is that it’s easy to tell that Bill Marriot blogs from the
                             heart in a very personal and authentic way.

                             Now that you know what an SMM voice is, how it differs from your brand voice,
                             and what business objectives may drive the need for this voice, the only remaining
                             question to answer is “Who exactly in your organization should serve in this role?”

                             In the next few sections, I look at the most common types of people who serve as
                             the SMM voice and what they’re typically best at doing.


                             A CEO can be an SMM voice. In many cases, he is already close to being an SMM
                             voice anyway. He’s representative of the brand but is recognized and noticed as an
                             individual personality with independent opinions that happen to drive the busi-
                             ness’s direction. This person is best used as an SMM voice providing industry and
                             company insights. After all, he has the credibility and experience to do so. In many
                             cases, you can use the CEO SMM voice to forge deeper relationships with custom-
                             ers as well. The CEO of Forrester, George Colony, is actively blogging (http://
                   ,  and  you  can  tell  that  it’s  really  him.  The
                             CEO participating in the social web and sharing his insights (and responding to

                                                       CHAPTER 5  Developing Your SMM Voice      103
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