Page 10 - Email Analytics 2022
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Embrace reliable email analytics tools                                  Alternative Metrics You

                                                                                      May Not Measure
          When we surveyed marketers for our State of Email Analytics
          Report, the majority relied on in-house analysis (74%) or tools          (But Should Consider)
          provided by their ESP (64%).
                                                                               Percentage of clients who view
          Email analysis methods                                               your emails in Dark Mode
          Percentage of respondents who use each email analysis method
                                                                                 •  Dark Mode is taking over the
                                                                                    inbox. Making sure emails look

                                                                                    great in this reading environment
                       74%                         64%                              can be a big challenge for email

                                                                                    marketers without visibility into
                                                                                    how heavily their subscribers are
                                                                                    using it.
                  In-house analysis            ESP dashboards

                                                                               Which email client/device your
                                                                               audience opens messages in

                       35%                          6%                           •  Our Email Client Market
                                                                                    Share reports that Apple
                                                                                    is the top email client–but
                                                                                    every audience is different. At
                Third-party analytics       Agency or consultant                    Litmus, for example, fewer of
                                                   analysis                         our clients open emails using
                                                                                    mobile compared to industry
          More insight leads to more informed decision-making,                      benchmarks.
          particularly now that privacy policies are changing the type of

          data captured in an email.                                             •  Applying device analytics can
                                                                                    help you optimize how you
          Some ESPs like Sendgrid, Eloqua, and Klaviyo also provide                 present your calls to action.
          updates to help customers identify MPP-impacted opens, and                Experimenting with “click to
          tools like Litmus Email Analytics provide full visibility into your       shop” (computer) vs “tap to
          audience—Apple Mail and otherwise.                                        shop” (mobile) can illustrate
                                                                                    what’s most effective.
               Marketers who use third-party                                     •  These insights can also

             analytics tools see a 25% higher                                       indicate where to prioritize your
                                                                                    QA/troubleshooting efforts and
                  ROI than those who don’t.                                         help guide your design and

                                                                                    development decisions.

                     Email Analytics in 2022: A Survival Guide                                             10 / 14
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