Page 94 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 94
In 2019, Casper launched a sleep channel on Spotify, YouTube, and IGTV that helps
people quite literally fall asleep. With soothing sounds and educational video clips,
Casper launches new episodes on these channels each week and promotes them
more widely on their other social media platform. Here Casper isn’t promoting a
specific mattress nor are they asking their customers to advocate on their behalf.
However, by promoting sleep they’re helping their customers as a branded utility
would do. And in setting up a sleep channel, they’re acting like an influencer them-
selves. Needless to say, Casper occasionally promotes its own mattresses and when
it does so, its acting as if it is sponsoring a conversation elsewhere!
Savvy Auntie.
Recognizing What Makes a
Good SMM Campaign
A social media marketing campaign is one that specifically allows for social influence
to take place digitally. A few years ago, marketing through social media was a
niche activity, and the notion of targeting influencers was an obscure one. The
closest comparison was word-of-mouth campaigns conducted in the offline world
to build brand awareness for a product by incentivizing people to talk about it
among themselves. Digital campaigns, for the most part, were about display
78 PART 2 Practicing SMM on the Social Web