Page 96 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 96

» Create an action plan.
                                 » Craft the content path.
                                 » Execute for influence.
                                 » Create partnerships.
                                 » Track the results.

                           Define your objectives

                           This may seem obvious, but it is amazing how many of us forget about articulat-
                           ing the objectives when it comes to an SMM campaign. Your objectives need to be
                           tightly  defined,  and  they  must  be  practical  and  actionable,  too.  The  objectives
                           must be specific to the stage of the marketing funnel that you’re playing in as
                           well. See Chapter 3 for more on the marketing funnel. Saying that the objective of
                           the campaign is simply to take a TV advertisement and make it go viral is definitely
                           not enough.

                           The objectives  must  also specify  where you’re  planning  to run  the campaign,
                           whom you’re targeting (which customers and which influencers), the duration of
                           the campaign, and  how it synchronizes  with  other  digital  and  offline  marketing
                           efforts. It’s easy to forget that no SMM campaign happens in isolation. How you
                           participate on the various social platforms is always a mirror of what you do and
                           think in the physical world. If you ignore that fact, you’ll lose your customers even
                           before you’ve had a chance to meaningfully engage with them.

                           Develop a powerful story/experience

                           People’s  expectations  about  how  they  will  learn  about  your  business/products
                           have  changed  completely.  Because  the Back button on  the  browser is ever-
                           present,  waiting  to  take  users away  from your website,  you  have  a  very short
                             window to engage and educate. The days of posting a simple data sheet and a price
                           are over. You have to work to communicate the intrinsic value of each offer.

                           Also, because people want to know whom they are dealing with, you need to inject
                           the why into your business story. You need to let them know why you started your
                           business and what you care about. The social aspect must be visible. The following
                           are stories you should consider telling during your campaign:

                                 » Why you are running this campaign: Yes, you want to sell things, we
                                understand that. But what is the larger picture? Are you contributing to
                                charity, helping others be successful, providing a solution, or providing
                                content that doesn’t currently exist? You have to be specific.

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