Page 147 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 147
» Relevance: This is the default search. It brings you the videos most closely
associated with the topic you requested.
» Upload Date: With this, you can see what’s most viewed right now as
opposed to something older. You can find out what’s hot here.
» View Count: This shows you the general interest in a topic. With the millions
of people on YouTube, you can see what’s of interest to a big chunk of them.
» Rating: This is an interesting measure. YouTube used to use five-star ratings
but found them to be ineffective. Most people would rate everything either a
1 or a 5. This didn’t really give the viewer enough feedback. YouTube now
relies on likes and dislikes, which gives you a quantitative measure.
» Peruse Instagram.
When marketers look at Instagram, shown in Figure 7-5, their first instinct is
to think about how they can display something — their products, conference
photos, or staff pictures. Next, they think about how many people have
viewed the photos they’ve posted. Those are both useful but are by no means
the only way to use Instagram.
You have to be very careful how much you push your products, conference
photos, and staff photos on a social media platform like Instagram that’s so
consumer centric.
An example of
mobile app
home page.
CHAPTER 7 Finding the Right Platforms 131