Page 140 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 140
» Understanding the user behaviors on the social platform.
For example, if you’re a business-to-business (B2B) solutions provider, and your
customers use LinkedIn to ask each other for advice when making business-
related purchasing decisions but spend a lot more time on Facebook, LinkedIn
may still be a better place to practice SMM. That’s where they’re making the
purchasing decisions that matter to you. It doesn’t matter if they’re spending
more cumulative minutes on Facebook.
In addition, consider monitoring mentions of your brand, competitors, product
names, or industry keywords to determine how much activity there is across the
Invariably, you discover that three to four social platforms match your customers’
demographics, have high engagement levels for them, and are what we loosely
call locations of influence as far as your product category is concerned. That’s where
your customers make their decisions, get influenced by others, and observe how
their peers are purchasing or discussing their own purchases. These factors
together tell you where to practice SMM. And as you do so, recognize that you
must also consider two broader aspects:
124 PART 3 Reaching Your Audience via Mainstream Social Platforms