Page 139 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 139

To pick the right platforms, you can start by looking at the audiences with which
                             you interact, and at where they are most likely to make their purchasing decisions.
                             For purposes  of this  discussion,  you can break your  audiences  down  into  the
                               following three groups:

                                  » Customers: Obviously, this is your main target. You want to connect, interact,
                                 and prompt them to buy from you. You need to understand why they buy,
                                 where they buy, and what influences their purchasing process.
                                  » Industry: These are the people who may be competitors, vendors, governing
                                 bodies, and so on. In the social media world, this group helps to support your
                                 visibility and influence with media outlets and customers directly.
                                  » Employees: They can be either your greatest strength or weakness, depend-
                                 ing on how you prepare them to participate in social media. If you don’t have
                                 staff to dedicate to a project, you have a different kind of problem to solve.

                             Following is a look at how to work through the issues of picking platforms that
                             support each group.

                             Learning about your customers

                             Choose where to practice SMM by researching and understanding where your cus-
                             tomers  are  spending  most  of  their  time.  This  doesn’t  mean  identifying  where
                             most of your customers have registered profiles, but instead researching where
                             the customers have the highest levels of engagement. This means

                                  » Finding out what amount of time they spend on the social platform,
                                 what they specifically do, and how they use it to interact with
                                 each other.
                                 Tools such as Quantcast ( can help you understand
                                 engagement, but you may need to reach out to the social platforms them-
                                 selves to understand the details of the engagement. Keep in mind that with
                                 Quantcast, only if the site has been Quantified (which means that the site
                                 owner has added Quantcast code to his site) are the statistics the most
                                 accurate. Comscore ( is a paid solution that can provide
                                 more accurate numbers for non-Quantified sites. Figure 7-1 shows the
                                 Quantcast home page.
                                 You may also want to survey your customers directly to understand their
                                 social media usage. There are several good survey tools, including
                                 SurveyMonkey and Zoho Survey.

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