Page 130 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 130

Practicing Socially Responsible Marketing

                           In addition to thinking about your commitment to different stakeholders beyond
                           your customers,  consider  what it means to  be  a  socially responsible marketer.
                           Fundamentally, socially responsible marketing is defined as taking moral actions
                           that encourage a positive impact on all the company’s stakeholders from the cus-
                           tomers and  the employees  to  the suppliers,  shareholders,  and  communities  in
                           which your company operates.

                           The American Marketing Association (AMA) has designed a statement of ethics
                           that governs marketers’ actions. The statement includes six ethical values that
                           marketers are expected to uphold:

                                 » Honesty: Be forthright in dealings and offer value and integrity.
                                 » Responsibility: Accept consequences of marketing practices and serve the
                                needs of customers of all types, while being good stewards of the

                                 » Fairness: Balance buyer needs and seller interest fairly, and avoid manipula-
                                tion in all forms while protecting the information of the consumers.
                                 » Respect: Acknowledge basic human dignity of all the people involved through
                                efforts to communicate and understand and meet the needs and appreciate
                                contributions of others.
                                 » Transparency: Create a spirit of openness in the practice of marketing
                                through communication, constructive criticism, action, and disclosure.
                                 » Citizenship: Fulfill all legal, economic, philanthropic, and societal responsibili-
                                ties to all stakeholders as well as give back to the community and protect the
                                ecological environment.

                           For more details on the statement of ethics, visit the American Marketing Asso-
                           ciation Statement of Ethics at

                           A commitment to the truth

                           If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that the truth can be highly con-
                           troversial.  Whether  it’s  politics,  business,  or  even  within  local  communities,
                           sometimes  separating  fact  from  fiction,  truth  from  lies,  and  information  from
                           falsehood has gotten incredibly difficult. Finding the truth feels like searching for
                           a needle in a haystack.

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