Page 133 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 133

discussed the risks around the truth, but there are others you need to consider.
                             Here are six ideas for being a better corporate citizen:

                                  » Recognize the limits of your role. When you’re a marketer and one specifi-
                                 cally tasked with social media marketing, it can be tempting to take your own
                                 role a bit too seriously. Be mindful that you’re just one contributor among
                                 many that move your business forward. Work with humility, even though you
                                 may have a very dynamic role in your company.
                                  » Make the lawyers your best friends. Social media can be dangerous, both
                                 for your company and for you as an individual. One way to mitigate against
                                 those risks is to get to know your corporoate lawyers well (if you’re a large
                                 enough company to have some). It’s imperative that you understand what the
                                 law allows you to say in social media and what it prevents you from doing.
                                 You don’t want to cross that line.
                                  » Bring everyone along with you. Just because you carry responsibilities for
                                 social media marketing doesn’t mean you’re the only person who’s an expert
                                 in the area and can talk about the company publicly. Spend time educating
                                 your peers and encourage them to become voices for the company in social
                                 media. It takes the pressure off you and can only strengthen the company.
                                  » Understand social media marketing’s role. Social media has indeed had a
                                 broad, transformative influence on marketing and businesses. However,
                                 it has limits, and you must be careful not to oversell social media marketing.
                                 For example, for your business, it may be the perfect channel to drive interest
                                 in your product but terrible for closing sales. That’s okay as long as you know
                                 the difference and manage expectations.
                                  » Learn from your peers. If there’s one constant in social media marketing, it’s
                                 that it is perpetually changing! As a result, it can be difficult to keep pace with
                                 all facets of social media marketing. Don’t be afraid to learn from others
                                 around you in your company. Some may have a much deeper knowledge in
                                 a particular platform or online community. Leverage them and highlight their
                                 expertise to others.
                                  » Let your customers influence your company. Social media is unique in that
                                 it brings the relationship between a customer and a business so much closer
                                 together. While you may have responsibilities in social media marketing, be
                                 sure to use your responsibilities as a way to bring others closer to your

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