I think that most people have heard of email marketing. It’s a form of advertising where you send an e-mail to your list of subscribers and customers. The idea is to build a relationship with them, get them to trust you and eventually buy from you.

There are a few different types of email marketing. You can use it to sell products, offer coupons, announce new services, or promote a website. If you’re going to use email marketing for any of these things, you’ll need to have a good plan in place. Otherwise you’ll end up wasting time, energy and money.

If you’re just starting out with email marketing, you’ll need to create a list of subscribers who will be interested in your product or service. This is the first step to making money with email marketing. Once you have your list, you’ll need to decide how you want to market to them.

You’ll also need to make sure that your email contains information that will interest them. It should contain something of value that they will find useful or entertaining. You’ll need to be careful not to overdo this though. If you don’t provide enough useful information, you won’t be able to keep them subscribed.

Email marketing is one of the best ways to advertise online. You can reach thousands of people at once and there is no cost involved. However, it does take some work to get started. If you’re serious about making money with email marketing, I recommend that you read my free eBook. In it I discuss what works and what doesn’t. I also give you tips on how to set up your own email marketing campaign.

Here are some other places where you can learn more about email marketing:

o Article Marketing

o Blogging

o Forum Marketing

o Podcasting

o Video Marketing

o E-zine Publishing