Page 71 - Social Media Marketing for Dummies
P. 71

              Does your orange
              juice video belong

                                  » Provide RSS feeds for content on the corporate website.
                                 An RSS feed is a content format that easily allows anyone to pluck the content
                                 from your site and place it on their website, application, or in an RSS reader.
                                 Feedly is probably the most popular RSS reader. Just visit http://feedly.
                                 com for instructions on how to set it up. Then each time you see the RSS icon
                                 on a website, you can click it and have that content fed into your RSS reader
                                 on an ongoing basis. Figure 3-3 shows how Apple has set up its RSS feeds.

                                 Also allow for the easy sharing of information from your corporate website
                                 onto the social networks. Services from companies such as AddThis (www.
                        and ShareThis ( allow you to make your
                                 content sharable.
                                  » Allow new customers to broadcast their purchases to their social
                                 Each time a customer makes a purchase, you can ask her whether she would
                                 like to announce the purchase on her favorite social network. Services such as
                                 StrongView and ShareThis, along with Facebook Connect, allow you to set up
                                 this capability on your website for your customers.
                                 If you’re planning to broadcast customers’ purchases, be sure to ask the
                                 customers for permission to do this before you do.

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