A website is the best way for you to market your business, and to attract new clients. However, it’s important to ensure that your website complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If your site doesn’t comply with the ADA, you could face penalties, fines and even lawsuits if you are found to be in violation of the law.
Here are some things you need to know about the ADA:
1. The ADA was enacted by Congress in 1990 to protect people with disabilities from discrimination. It applies to any public or private place of business.
2. The ADA requires that websites be accessible to people with disabilities. The law also requires that businesses make their websites accessible to people with disabilities.
3. The law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in many areas of life, including employment, education, transportation, public accommodations, financial services, telecommunications and health care.
4. The law provides specific guidelines regarding how websites must be designed. For example, websites must be clear and easy to read. They must also contain all the information needed to understand the site. Websites must also be navigable and usable by people with disabilities.

5. A person who believes that he/she has been discriminated against under the ADA can file a lawsuit against the offending party. The person may also request an investigation by the Department of Justice.
6. The ADA does not require that every website be fully accessible to people with disabilities. Rather, the law only requires that the website be “readily accessible.” This means that the website must be usable by people with disabilities. To do this, the website must provide alternative text for images, and alternative ways of navigating through the site.
7. A website must be made accessible to people with disabilities at no cost to the business. Businesses can choose to pay for accessibility improvements to their website, but they must make the decision based on the cost and benefits to them.
8. Businesses that fail to make their websites accessible to people will be required to pay a penalty. The penalty is calculated by the number of employees and the amount of gross revenue of the business.
9. Businesses that fail to comply with the ADA may be subject to civil litigation. In addition, businesses may be subject to criminal prosecution.
10. There are three types of violations under the ADA: failure to provide reasonable accommodation, failure to provide auxiliary aids and services, and discrimination.
11. Failure to provide reasonable accommodation means that a business is not making its website accessible to people with disabilities. Failure to provide auxiliary aids and services means that the business is not providing sign language interpreters, Braille printers, large print publications, and other forms of auxiliary aids and services. Finally, discrimination means that a business is not treating people with disabilities equally.