I am a small business owner. I have been in business since I was twenty years old. My first business was a hair salon. I opened my second business with a friend who was also opening a hair salon. We shared all of our expenses and split everything equally. This was back in the late 70’s. I was able to open both businesses without any loans, because I had no money to start with.
Over the next few years I expanded both businesses by opening more salons. I learned that you can’t get ahead in this business if you don’t advertise. The more salons I opened the more advertising I needed. I soon found myself spending too much time in the office and not enough time doing what I really wanted to do – which was run my businesses.
The business I was running at the time was losing money and I was becoming more and more frustrated. I decided it was time to make a change. I began looking for another way to generate income for my businesses. I found an opportunity that allowed me to work from home and still run my businesses. This was a great relief!
After I signed up with this opportunity I began searching for ways to market my businesses online. I found many opportunities that were too complicated for me to understand. I didn’t want to spend hours every day learning new things. I wanted something that would be easy to use.

I found a marketing system that allowed me to build a website in minutes. I then built a list of subscribers who were interested in my services. I spent very little time on the internet and made more money than I ever did before. I now have two successful businesses that allow me to work from home and spend more time with my family. I love the freedom of working from home.
If you are considering starting your own business, I highly recommend that you check out this opportunity. It is very affordable and allows you to work from home.