I love to write and I love to share. It’s been my passion for over 20 years. My goal with this article is to provide you with some great content marketing ideas that can be used by anyone in any industry.
So let’s get started:
1. Write an ezine – This is a great way to create content and get it out to your target audience. You will want to start off with a free ezine because it will help you build your list of subscribers. Then, when you have enough subscribers, you can offer them a paid version.
2. Start a blog – Blogging is another great way to create content and promote your business. There are many benefits to blogging such as SEO (search engine optimization), traffic generation and building relationships with your readers.
3. Create a video series – If you have a lot of information that you want to share, then consider creating a video series. A video series is a great way to capture the attention of your readers. The more videos you produce, the better chance you have of capturing their attention.

4. Create a white paper – White papers are another great way to create content. They can be used to educate your customers or prospects on a certain topic. They are also a great way to build credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
5. Create a book – This is a great way for you to share your knowledge and experience with others. It is also a great way to increase your credibility as an expert in your field and help people solve their problems.
6. Create an eBook – An eBook is another great way to share your expertise and knowledge with others. Ebooks are great because they are easy to share and distribute. They can also be downloaded and read on any device so they are extremely portable.
7. Create an audio series – Audio is another great way to share information with your target audience. You can record your audio series on your computer and then upload it to your website or blog. You can also create an audio series that is downloadable and play it on your iPod.
8. Create an online course – Creating an online course is another great way to share valuable information with your target audience. This type of content can be used to educate your clients and prospects about a specific topic.
9. Create a newsletter – A newsletter is another great way to share content with your target audience. You will need to set up a subscription form on your website so that your readers can sign up for your newsletters. This is a great way to keep in touch with your existing clients and prospects.